World Day of Poor

His Holiness Pope Francis declared the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time of the Church’s Liturgical Calendar, World Day of the Poor, in November 2016, to mark the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Since then, the Marshallan Relief and Development Services (MAREDES) has adopted the day which it marks every year with special charity activities. To commemorate the day, MAREDES also issues a press release.

This year, the 5th World Day of the Poor falls on 15th November, 2020 and will be celebrated under the theme: “Stretch Forth Your Hand to the Poor” (Sir 7:32).

In this era of COVID-19, poverty has manifested in many and diverse ways around us, bringing home Christ’s admonition that the poor will always be with us. MAREDES has observed a significant rise in job loses all over the world, reduced opportunities for the unemployed and new entrants to the labour market. It has also witnessed an escalated number of the sick as a result of the COVID-19 infections. MAREDES takes cognizance of the plight of those who could not access hospitals and the scores of medical staff who had to be drawn into emergency services some of whom lost their lives in the line of duty.  

The foregoing have resulted in untold hardships to many families and their dependents.  Under the circumstances it is not possible to remain indifferent to the needs of the poor around us but more significantly it offers all of us the opportunity to serve Christ by serving the poor among us (Mt 25:35-40).

The widespread nature of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic may discourage many whose businesses and livelihoods have been adversely affected. However, the book of Wisdom admonishes us all that in such difficult circumstances we should wait on God who strengthens and provides all our needs. Prayer and waiting on God, Wisdom insists, must be done in solidarity with the poor and suffering.

In the tradition of the Catholic Knighthood, which has Charity as a main pillar, we undertake to support a variety of projects aimed at alleviating the suffering of the poor. In this regard, we appeal to Brothers and Sisters and all men of good will not to be despondent in this era of COVID-19. This is the time to energize ourselves and stretch forth a hand to help the poor and the needy.

MAREDES prays for increased tempo of charity activities and programs to support needy churches, communities,, families, youth groups, institutions, hospitals and medical staff in these crucial times even as it joins the world in prayer for a speedy identification of a cure to the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic which has increased poverty among God’s children.


RL Sister Elizabeth Anderson Yebuah

(Chairperson, MAREDES Board of Trustees)

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