Mighty Oak Tree has fallen and the earth is shaken. Our beautiful, affable, eversmiling Substantive Past Grand Lady, Most Respected Lady Sister Victoria Mbama Yellu is no more. She has joined the Noble Order Above and the void created by this loss on 17th January 2021, is too big to fill, but in all things we give thanks to God for He is the “I AM” and all that He does is good. So death where is thy sting? Oh grave where is thy victory?

For truly, the Lord held His Cross before our Sister’s closing eyes and therefore the skies have given way before Heaven’s morning breaks for our Sister to be welcomed into the bosom of Abraham because, whether in life or in death the Lord was always abiding with her.
As St. Mother Teresa once said “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love”. Our Sister will be remembered for the early morning sharing of the Day’s readings on all platforms with every Sister of the Marshallan fraternity. Oh, what a gift you gave to us daily to start each day with great love. And so the news of your demise spread so fast when our souls were not fed the day after your passing, with your Sisters wondering what might have gone wrong?

Most Respected Lady Sister Victoria Mbama Yellu was initiated into the Noble Order of the Ladies of Marshall, Court 12 Tamale, in October 1983. In April 1986, she transferred to Court 19, Wa. She was the acting secretary to the Court in June 1986 and became the substantive secretary in 1987. Sister was elected Deputy Noble Lady in 1988 and climbed the throne as Noble Lady in 1989.
At the Regional level, our dear Sister was the Regional Recording Secretary from 1996 to 2002. MRL Sis. Yellu joined the apex Court, the Grand Court, in 1994 as Assistant Grand Membership Coordinator. She held that post till 2005 when she was elected as the Deputy Grand Lady during the Grand Court meeting held in September 2005. She was subsequently installed as the 18th Grand Lady for the period 2007 to 2009.

Under her able leadership as the Grand Lady, a total of 9 Courts were consecrated; 2 in Togo, 2 in Liberia and 5 in Ghana. These were: Court 88, Tabligo, Togo, on 01/12/2007; Court 89, Damango, Ghana, on 12/01/2008; Court 90, Adenta, Ghana, on 20/09/2008; Court 91, Grand Cess, Liberia, on 14/01/2009; Court 92, Pleebo Maryland, Liberia, on 14/01/2009; Court 93, Kaleo, Ghana, on 30/05/2009; Court 94, Avepozo, Togo, on 11/06/2009; Court 95, Wamfie, Ghana, on 25/07/2009 and Court 96, Osu- La, Ghana, on 01/08/2009.
At the Grand Court level, Most Respected Lady Sister Victoria Yellu will be remembered as the epitome of a true Marshallan Lady….Bold, Fair and Firm. Our Sister had many virtues of her own but she inadvertently promoted one particular one- humility. She was soft spoken but candid in her views expressed at meetings of the Committee of Past Grand Ladies. Members of this Committee will remember you not only as their dear Sister, but also as their Chaplain.

The Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), the highest decision making body of the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall, will forever remember you for your constructive and invaluable contributions. Though she was not able to make it to our last JCC meeting in Sekondi on 14th January 2021, Most Respected Lady Sister Yellu sent her apologies via WhatsApp message to the Supreme Director, the Supreme Knight and the Grand Lady, and added pertinent issues to be discussed by the JCC for the benefit of the entire Noble Order. That was MRL Sis VIctoria Yellu for you. A shining light indeed!!!!! And as echoed by Maya Angelou “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
May your legacy live on and never die, Most Respected Lady Sister Victoria Mbama Yellu.
Though this great loss of our Sister is widely shared, we know it falls rather heavily on the family and we offer our heartfelt condolences and ask for God’s guidance during these moments of grief.
We believe in part of John Reid’s song that goes like this:
There is a place up there for people like you Where the streets are made of Gold And when you get there, there’s a hand to hold
It is our ardent prayer that our Mother Mary, Mediatrix of all graces and Mother of Christ will hold our Sister’s hand to her Precious Son to enjoy this bliss of eternal life.
Rest in Perfect Peace, dear Most Respected Lady Sister Victoria Mbama Yellu, till we meet again on the Resurrection Day.