In its infancy, a new year, just like any new beginning, is always invigorating. Newness generates excitement like a new baby in a household, a new job, a new house, a new shirt, new regalia. It really does not matter at which point in life’s trajectory one finds him or herself; the feeling of excitement is the same all around. Therefore what a wonderful time it is to be an apostle of peace in a world which has just been ushered into a New Year.
At the beginning of the creation story, the world was formless, and darkness was over the surface (Gen 1:2). Now, happenings all over the world mirror the formlessness of times past. There is great confusion and disruption of cosmic proportions hovering over the lives of many. There is so much violence and chaos in our world: violence against the unborn, children, the aged and the defenseless. There is war against life and reckless misuse of God-given and irreplaceable natural resources. There is much injustice in global politics, in economic policies and between cultures. There is a lack of peace in the world.
A real and new commitment to peace, targeted at the hearts of people is needed. Jesus taught that it is from the hearts of men and women that all impurities originate (Mark 7). That would therefore be the place to initiate peace and have it spread from there into the world.
Are mission to be apostles of peace was ordained by Jesus. In the Gospel of the apostle John, Jesus tells us: “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (JN 20: 22). Let us live our lives in such a manner that gives meaning to this very popular song, “Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out of you and me…” And finally, may we also reflect deeply on the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi asking that the Lord makes us instrument of peace.
The Marshallan Centre for Fraternal Relations will soon roll out programmes and guidelines to help deepen the spirit of fraternity and networking among Marshallans. Let us use that to bring peace to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, into our homes, the church and our communities.
In Christ, every new beginning promises a bright ending. The Spirit of God hovers over this New Year as it did over Mary, the Mother of God, whom the Church celebrates on New Year’s Day. In our prayers to her, may our Lady of Peace make us into apostles of peace.