Heart is one of the vital organs in humans and it serves as a pumping station supplying the other parts of the body with oxygen and nutrients and at the same time removing carbon dioxide and other waste materials from them.


These functions make it an important organ which needs protection in order to continue functioning as it should. Below are some of the simple ways to help protect this vital organ.


Get More Sleep: sleeping less exposes you to Stroke and heart attack compared to those who sleep more.


Loss Weight:  People who are overweight have the greatest risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, Irregular heart rhythm and sleep Apnea. These can affect the heart.


Reduce Stress: the stress of financial obligation, family, school, work  and other factors have their toll-on the proper function of the heart. We need to once in a while try and forget about these pressures and relax, take a vacation, do a leisure activity and try and laugh more.


Don’t Drink or drink less: Alcohol is a known risk factor for high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, irregular heartbeats etc. These all lead to heart issues.


Exercise on a regular basis: exercising regularly is good for the heart. 30 minutes of brisk walking at least 5 times in a week is enough. Engage in sports, playing football, swimming, aerobics.


Cut down on fatty foods: fatty foods contain cholesterol that can block the arteries (pipe system) making the heart work more and sometimes impeding the blood flow to and from the heart. Eat more fruits, vegetables whole grains and avoid salt, sugar and fat.


Stop smoking: smoking reduces your immunity, increase blood sugar, increase your risk for certain cancers, increase blood pressure and blood clot. It also increases the incidence of stroke and heart diseases. Avoid using shisha. Flee from where people are smoking. Secondary(passive) smoking is as dangerous.


Do Regular Checkup: get to know your blood pressure and sugar status. Check them regularly. Advisable to have the machines at home to check daily if you are diabetic or hypertensive. Annual checkup should be done. Let your health be a priority. Most people with hypertension and diabetes don’t get symptoms in the early stages hence check ups are very important. Council and court should at least have BP Machine to monitor the BP of brothers and sisters monthly.


Many cases of heart diseases are preventable and reversible through lifestyle modifications. We need to take charge of our health and make it our priority.

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