Supreme Director, Sir Knights, Worthy Brothers, my Brothers; it is an honour and a privilege to stand before this august house and address you as the new Supreme Knight. I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Supreme Council and indeed the entire membership of the Noble Order for finding me worthy of this honour.

I am not oblivious of the responsibilities it imposes on me to work hard and support the Noble Order to grow from strength to strength and become more effective and relevant to contemporary times. Indeed, I am reminded of the popular injunction that “to whom more is given; much is expected.”

During my tenure as Supreme Knight, my objectives and focus will be in the following areas:

  1. To deepen spirituality of members and our relations with God
  2. To strengthen the fraternal relations among members
  3. To strengthen the Administrative  and Management system of the Noble Order
  4. To improve the Finances of the Noble Order
  5. To energize the Marshallan Relief and Development Services (MAREDES) and
  6. To expand the facilities at the Headquarters

I will encourage more spiritual activities among members, such as retreats, Bible studies, spiritual talks during Council meetings to provide spiritual insights into some of our rituals.


Whilst we stretch our charity works to the deprived in society, we shall open our eyes to distressed brothers within our membership and extend our charity to them.  After all, “Charity begins at home.”  Indeed, I will explore the possibility of more endowed Councils stretching a hand of solidarity to other deprived Councils with cash and material donations as part of our charity.  The situation where some Councils are handicapped to the extent that they cannot pay annuity have to engage our attention.

Fraternal relations with Brothers in London and Liberia will be further strengthened through regular visits and communication and by empowering their respective Regional Grand Knights to co-ordinate major events like the celebration of Sir James Marshall Day in ways that they deem appropriate rather than the current tendency of always referring such matters to the Supreme Council and seeking advice on minute details.


To strengthen the Information Management system of the Noble Order and make it more efficient and reliable, I propose the computerization of our financial and database at the Head Office.  The starting point is to get the appropriate computer software and train the current staff at the Head Office in the use of it for easy storage and retrieval of vital information. In the event that we need a full time worker at the Headquarters, we shall do so.  This full time worker will then be the hub around which the Headquarters would operate.

To make the Supreme Council meetings more results-oriented, I propose that we limit the time spent on reading long reports but rather present a summary of the various reports highlighting the key issues for decision-making to save time for more important discussions.

Furthermore, in view of the fact that the effectiveness of the Supreme Knight is linked to the performance of the Supreme Communications Officer and the Supreme Propagandist, I will seek the indulgence of the Supreme Director and other High Officers to allow the in-coming Supreme Knight have a greater say in choosing the Supreme Communications Officer and the Supreme Propagandist.


To enhance the financial sustainability of the Noble Order, I will streamline our membership contributions and investments so that we can work towards creating viable financial reserves or endowment fund.  Specifically, I propose to expand the Marshallan Endowment Fund as well as streamline our various investments


To enhance the financial situation of the Noble Order, I propose to open up the Marshallan Endowment Fund and encourage many more members to contribute to the Fund.   Furthermore, I will seek to bring the Fund under the supervision of the Supreme Council and Grand Court, even though some members of the Order could be tasked to manage this fund on behalf of the Supreme Council and Court.   I will elaborate a clear policy as to what the Endowment Fund could be used for and the criteria for disbursement.

Based on a thorough cash flow analysis of our Welfare Fund, some amount of the Fund would be invested in some financial instruments like fixed deposits, at negotiated interest rates, or even Treasury Bills, so that any interests accruing could be income to the Order, yet ensuring that we can always have enough money at a given time to meet our Welfare obligations.


In an effort to make the Noble Order financially sustainable, previous Supreme Knights started various investment initiatives, prominent among which are:

  • The Marshallan Investment Fund
  • The Marshallan Security Trust and
  • The Marshallan Endowment Fund.

Whilst commending these positive initiatives, I intend harmonizing these investments to expand the investment portfolio.

In this regard, I will visit various Councils and appeal for funds from identified capable Brothers to expand our investment capital.  Additionally, the expertise of brothers in finance and investments, like Sir Knight Donkor Fordjour and Worthy Brother Essien will be tapped to complement the efforts of the current MST Committee and Fund Managers.

The possibility of annuity payment of members being channeled through a reputable insurance company for enhanced packages in times of death will be explored.


MAREDES will be energized by mobilizing resources towards relief and other development activities.  Additionally, MAREDES will be encouraged to initiate evidence-based advocacy programme that can undertake relevant research and contribute to national development and policy debates as well as comment on important national issues.

In this regard, I propose to establish an Advocacy and Research Committee, under MAREDES, made up of Brothers with the requisite skills in evidence-based advocacy to periodically issue statements on critical national issues and systematically follow-up on such issues towards Good Governance and the establishment of a more just society. We shall start with our own little resources and seek donor support to finance such advocacy activities.

Given the increasing shift of donor agencies from hand-outs to the poor towards creating the right environment for them to attend to their own needs, such advocacy activities are likely to win the approval and support from various funding agencies.  It is my desire to develop a coherent project proposal to various donors for funding support.  When this succeeds, we may have to engage a few permanent staff to co-ordinate the activities of MAREDES and make it more visible.

This drive on advocacy stems from my conviction that our charity work will be more effective and sustainable if we go beyond periodic hand-outs to the poor and begin to question the structures and governance systems that relegated sections of our society to such abject poverty. If there is good governance, from the local to the national levels, adequate opportunities would be provided for all citizens to develop their potentials and earn a decent living thereby reducing the need for our hand-outs to many people trapped in poverty.  For example, if we can advocate for a fair share of the national cake to weaker segments of our society, like the Mental Hospitals as well as advocate for improved management of such resources at the various health institutions that can plug the corrupt avenues and leakages, then the conditions of these inmates will be greatly enhanced in a more sustainable manner, requiring less of our charity.

Additionally, advocacy for good governance that will ensure judicious use of the limited resources at the disposal of government from local to national level, will ensure that majority of citizens are able to develop their potentials to earn a decent living.   Promoting Good governance is therefore part of our Christian imperative “to be the voice of the voiceless and set captives free.”

Considering that the Noble Order is made up of influential people in society, we definitely have a role to promote good governance towards establishing a more just, harmonious and peaceful society, reflecting some of the gospel values and contributing towards the establishment of the Kingdom of God here on earth, which we pray for daily in the “Lords Prayer”.

Such repositioning of the Noble Order, to make it more relevant to contemporary times, requires critical reflection on some of our practices.  For example, I am of the view that the Standing Committee Meetingsshould spend less time on reading and correcting Minutes and Reports and rather devote more time for important discussions on how to make the Noble Order more vibrant and relevant within the changing times.   Similarly, there may be need to find ways of making our Council meetings shorter, and devoting more time for both the “Good of the Order” as well as the “Good of the Society.”   I believe the strategic Plan of the Noble Order currently being prepared by a Committee may provide more justification and clues as to what practices to review.


At this juncture, I wish to invite you all to join me in congratulating my predecessor for his efforts and sacrifices to complete the Grotto at the Headquarters, which is in no doubt a beautiful edifice. It is envisaged that many Brothers will be visiting this Grotto to deepen their spirituality.  This brings to the fore the need for accommodation for the brothers who may be travelling from far distances to the Grotto. In this regard, I propose to convert the building at the Marshallan Headquarters that was supposed to be used for the manufacture and sale of blocks, into a Marshallan Social Centre and Guest House.  Apart from hosting various social events there, it would also provide comfortable accommodation for our brothers who travel from far to Sekondi for meetings or to visit the Grotto.


To end my speech, I wish to appeal to all Brothers here to unite with a common purpose of building a vibrant Noble Order that can fulfill the dreams of the founding fathers. I salute the founding fathers and other illustrious sons who have left their footprints.  I particularly pay tribute to late Sir Knight Bro. M. K Nti, who lived and dreamt of this meeting room.  I pay homage to Prof. George Wereko-Brobbey for his willingness to take the building of this room to the next level and Sir Knight Bro. Eddie Prah, who put the icing on the cake by completing the room.

I also wish to thank brothers from my mother Council, number 63 and other Councils from Greater Accra for their enormous support.  My special thanks go to the Planning Committee who worked with me from the beginning of the year.

Finally, Supreme Director, My Lord Bishop, Sir Knights, Worthy Brothers, my Brothers; in all humility, I accept to serve as Supreme Knight determined to work in earnest and with determination to move the Noble Order forward.

I pray in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God bless us all.


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