GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)



FIRST READING: Isaiah 49:14-15

PSALM: Psalm 62:2-3, 6-9

SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

GOSPEL: Matthew 6:24-34


The system of our world is so complex that even children battle with worries. I have had the opportunity to counsel many young people who have struggled with suicidal thoughts and I see a particular trend. A problem arises and when one is unable to handle it, worries set in and when nothing is done about it, depression follows; when depression reaches its apex, people start looking for an escape route and this is where suicidal thoughts begin to plague the mind.

Ending our lives in the face of a problem does not solve the problem, it only compounds the problem and gives problems to others.

The event of the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 587 B.C., and its related Babylonian exile was a big problem for many Jews and a matter that led to crisis of faith. They had always taken pride in the fact that the Lord their God was the only true God. Now faced with the reality of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, they felt abandoned by their God. Then the worries started — How could the Lord fail us? The text of Isaiah 49:15-16 serves as a great message of consolation to a dispirited people – “Can a woman forget her baby at the breast, feel no pity for the child she has borne? Even if these were to forget, I shall not forget you. Look, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands, your ramparts are ever before me.”

In our Gospel text, Jesus does not deny the reality of challenges (Mt 6:32), but forbids making them the object of anxious care and becoming their slaves. He gives at least two reasons why one ought not to worry. First and foremost, worry does not add one single cubit to a person’s life. In other words, worries have no value. On the contrary, worry takes away our joy and beauty. Worrying minds age faster and there is often a look of gloom on such faces.

Secondly, the great providence of our heavenly Father even towards birds and flowers is a proof and a divine assurance to every one of us that God is capable of taking care of our needs. God knows everything about every person. When we choose to rely on him and cast our cares upon him, we overcome worries.

A wise unknown author writes, “To be at peace, resign as general manager of the universe.” Let God be in charge. He is capable of fixing what goes wrong in our personal worlds. He is the great provider. Let us turn to him in prayer when things go wrong and he would show us the way out. Do not be defeated by worry. Have faith in God!

PRAYER: Lord God, I cast all my cares and burdens on you and I place my trust in you. In your great providence, fill my heart with your peace and joy. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Andrews Obeng, svd


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).

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