Bro Rev Fr Isidore to be buried on January 14

Burial of the late Brother Rev Fr. Dr. Isidore Bonabom, a Chaplain and Spiritual Director of London Region, takes place at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Examination Hall on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 8am prompt. Filing past will begin at 6am.

The late Rev Fr. Dr Bonabom died on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 in a car accident in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

The Supreme Knight, Sir Kt Bro Ernest Amoako-Arhen will lead a power team of Marshallans from Sekondi-Takoradi and Greater Accra regions to give a befitting burial to our late Brother.
The late Brother Rev Fr. Dr. Isidore Bonabom was due to deliver a talk on the “Spiritual Emphasis for Leaders” at a Workshop for the Standing Committee Members of the Supreme Council and the Grand Court scheduled for the January 29, 2016 in Sekondi.
The late Brother Rev Fr. Dr. Isidore Bonabom was initiated as a Marshallan Brother and Chaplain for Council 62, London on 20th May 2006. On Saturday, 9th December, 2006, Brother Rev Fr. Dr. Isidore was installed by the Supreme Director, Sir Knight Veteran Brother Commander Dr. E.S.K. Kwaw, as one of the two Chaplains for the newly consecrated London Regional Council and Court. Brother Rev Fr. Dr. Isidore Bonabom served as the London Regional Chaplain and Spiritual Advisor with diligence and dedication until March, 2013 when he left the UK to take up an appointment as Socius to the Jesuits’ Provincial in Lagos, Nigeria.
All Marshallans are invited to attend the burial mass and help give him a befitting burial.

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