My dear brother Marshallans,

I bring you greetings and good wishes from the Supreme Secretariat. I also wish to use this medium to thank all who supported me in prayers and kind thoughts during my installation as the 27th Supreme Knight of the Knights of Marshall. I am extremely grateful to you all. I have decided as my way of keeping in constant touch during my term, to share with you each month, some thoughts about our Order as well as on topical issues that in my humble opinion should engage the attention of members of our Noble Order.

In this maiden letter, I wish to address the subject of the theme for my term of office as Supreme Knight. It has been the privilege of incoming Supreme Knights of our Noble Order, to choose themes for their term in office. The challenge has always been to find a theme that will encapsulate how he feels about the Noble Order, convey his message and motivate Marshallans for the two years of service ahead.

In the recent past Sir Kt Sam Barns, came up with the theme “Witnessing Christ to the world”, a wonderfully appropriate theme that sought to focus attention on our role as Catholic knights in the evangelising mission of the Church. Our IPSK Sir Kt Bro Prof Dr. Dr. George Wireko Brobby’s theme was on “80 Years of Mashallinism” the thrust of which was to encourage a review and reflection on the past in order to chart the way forward for the Noble Order.

YOU ARE THE KEY seem to me, a natural choice for my term, following from the two themes of our recent past. After “80 years of Marshallinism”, being strong and vibrant “Witnesses of Christ to the world” should have been a matter of course for every Marshallan. Admittedly, we still have some way to go as a Catholic Christian organisation towards achieving the desired vibrancy in our witnessing efforts. The two recent themes seem to suggest that it is not too late to refocus and redirect attention to the essentials of our being. The story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10: 38-42 is instructive, hence my choice of theme.

But who is the KEY to developing the needed vibrancy in the Noble Order towards its evangelising mission? And how can we develop this vibrancy if we do not have strong and vibrant Councils? And how can we have strong and vibrant Councils if we are unable to attract good quality human beings to our fold? And how can we attract quality human beings if we are even now, unable to retain and maintain what we have because of our uncharitable utterances and actions, inflexibility in our thinking and some leadership that is unmindful of the fact that our Knighthood today, belongs to the 21st century?

My Brothers we have a mission to fulfil, a mission to grow as an Order in relevance to our Church and society and YOU ARE A VERY IMPORTANT KEY in the process.
YOU ARE THE KEY first and foremost to your own formation as a Catholic and as a Knight of the Marshallan fraternity towards the evangelising mission of the Church.
Grand Knights, YOU ARE THE KEY to unlocking and unleashing the potential of members towards what the Church and the society at large expect from us.
Brother, YOU ARE THE KEY to any positive transformation that should take place in your Council and the Noble Order as a whole so don’t keep your ideas, voice them out!
YOU ARE THE KEY to the hearts of the many qualified and capable men who cannot make the decision to join and share our fraternity.

YOU ARE indeed THE KEY to all the good things that can happen to the Noble Order after 80 years of Marshallinism,.

Be the KEY! Be the new Marshallan who is able to contribute positively to the success of our great Order..


Fraternally yours

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