Yendi Cathedral Presbytery Ripped off, Diocese Appeals for Support

THE Bishop of Yendi Diocese, Most Rev. Vincent Sowah Boi-Nai, SVD, is appealing to philanthropists, corporate institutions, societies and individuals, for urgent support to fix the roof of the Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral Parish presbytery.

It was completely ripped off by a rainstorm on May 2, 2021.

A carpentry shop belonging to the Church adjacent to the presbytery, was similarly affected.

The roofing sheets and wooden purlins of the two buildings which were removed and carried away by the storm, hit and also destroyed part of the roof of the computer laboratory block of the nearby R/C Junior High School and part of the roof of the Cathedral building.

The storm which lasted for about thirty minutes, also caused massive damage to the ceiling, electrical wiring and fittings in the presbytery while the subsequent heavy down pour also left in its wake destruction to valuable Church documents and books, mattresses, sofas, clothing, electrical appliances and gadgets such as TV sets, laptops, among others.

However, the natural disaster did not cause any casualties even though Priests and some parishioners were in the premises for para-liturgical activities after Sunday Mass.

Currently, the four Priests including the Cathedral Administrator, Rev. Fr. Jonas K. Wazini and a seminarian who were staying in the presbytery, are now temporarily sheltering in an old convent of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate Congregation.

Report by: Bro. Francis Ekow Monnie, RCO, Tamale

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