What is hepatitis?


Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver, the organ that filters the blood, fight infection and processes nutrients. The liver is not able to do its work when its inflamed or damaged.. Hepatitis is most often caused by a virus. The most common types of viral hepatitis are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Other causes of hepatitis are heavy alcohol use , some medications toxins and certain conditions.

We will dwell on hepatitis B which is one of the commonest of the viral causes.

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is caused by Hepatitis B virus. The infection can range in severity from a mild illness with few or no symptoms to a serious condition requiring hospitalization.

There can be an acute or chronic infection.

An Acute Hepatitis B occurs when someone get ill within 6 months of getting infected with hepatitis B virus. Fortunately, some people, especially adults are able to clear the virus from their system. People who clear the virus become immune and cannot get infected with the Hepatitis B virus again

Chronic Hepatitis B refers to a lifelong infection with the Hepatitis B virus. The likelihood that a person develops a chronic infection depends on the age at which someone becomes infected. Up to 90% of infants infected with the Hepatitis B virus will develop a chronic infection. In contrast, about 5% of adults will develop chronic Hepatitis B. Over time, chronic Hepatitis B can cause serious health problems, including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death

IMG-20181125-WA0083How is Hepatitis B spread?


The Hepatitis B virus is spread by uninfected person coming into contact with body fluids of infected person.

The virus can be spread through:

  • Sex with an infected person. Sexual contact is the commonest way of getting this disease by adults.
  • Injection drug use. Another way of getting infected is by using infected syringes, needles and any other sharps. This is very common among drug addicts
  • Outbreaks. It can also results from poor infection control in a hospital or healthcare settings leading to outbreaks.
  • Birth. Hepatitis B can be passed from an infected mother to her baby at birth. Worldwide, most people with Hepatitis B were infected with the virus as an infant.

You cannot get Hepatitis B through contaminated food or water, breastfeeding, sharing cooking or eating  utensils, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coughing, or sneezing.

What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B?

Symptoms of Hepatitis B includes fever, vomiting, tummy upset, dark urine, pale stool, joint pains, feeling tired, anorexia, yellow skin and eyes.

However majority of people with hepatitis B do not have symptoms. The only way they can find out is when they blood test. Blood tests can determine if a person has been infected and cleared the virus, is currently infected, or has never been infected

How is Hepatitis B treated?

Doctors may recommend rest, adequate nutrition, fluids, close medical monitoring or hospitalized for an acute infection. Patients with chronic infections will need to evaluate the function of the liver from time to time. Treatments are available that can slow down or prevent the effects of liver disease.

Can Hepatitis B be prevented?

It can be prevented by getting uninfected person vaccinated. The Hepatitis B vaccine is given as a series of 3 shots over a period of 6 months.

Who should get vaccinated against Hepatitis B?


As part of the national immunization policy, all infants are vaccinated with hepatitis B at birth, at 6 weeks, at 10 weeks and at 14 weeks.

Below are some of the people who need vaccination because they are at risk of getting hepatitis B

All pregnant women are routinely tested for Hepatitis B. If a woman has Hepatitis B, timely vaccination can help prevent the spread of the virus to her baby.

Household and sexual contacts of people with Hepatitis B are at risk for getting Hepatitis B. Those who have never had Hepatitis B can benefit from vaccination.

People born in certain parts of the world that have increased rates of Hepatitis B. Testing helps identify those who are infected so that they can receive timely medical care.

People with certain medical conditions should be tested, and get vaccinated if needed. This includes people with HIV infection, people who receive chemotherapy and people on hemodialysis

People who inject drugs are at increased risk for Hepatitis B but testing can tell if someone is infected or could benefit from vaccination to prevent getting infected with the virus.

Men who have sex with men have higher rates of Hepatitis B. Testing can identify unknown infections or let a person know that they can benefit from vaccination.


NB: BRO DR ADU APPIAH-KUBI is the Grand Knight of Council 116, Penkwase and the Regional Physician for Brong Ahafo Central





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