 The International Council of Catholic Men (ICCM) or FIHC in French was founded in 1948 under the name UNUM OMNES. This name expresses Christ’s wish that all people be one in God.
 Unum Omnes is one of 122 Catholic lay associations recognised by the Pontifical Council of the Vatican.
 The Head Office of Unum Omnes is at the Vatican, Rome.
 Unum Omnes is Global with 44 active countries to date including Ghana.
 Ghana became a member in 1982 upon the recommendation of the then Bishop Derry.
 Each of these 44 countries has one Catholic Men Organization representing all Catholic Men Organizations in the Country. Upon the recommendation of the then Bishop Derry, the Knights of Marshall was appointed to represent Ghana.
 Ghana’s membership on Unum Omnes has facilitated the recognition of affiliated member countries such as Togo, Benin, Liberia, Sierra Leone, La Cote d’Ivoire, and Burkina Fasso as Associate member countries.
 The current President of Unum Omnes is Ghanaian in the person of Sir Kt Bro. Edward A. Prah, the first African to attain that position. Unum Omnes representative for West Africa is Sir Kt Bro. Anthony Kemavor with Sir Kt. Bro. Derx V. Baffour as member of the Board.
 The Supreme Director, Sir Kt Vet Bro Cdr Dr Edmund S K Kwaw, once served as Vice President of Unum Omnes.
 to help men to realize their potential in life as Catholics
 to encourage them to assume their rightful role in the Church and in the Society
 to promote the family as a source of human life and as the sphere of their responsibility and action
 to promote the establishment of catholic men organizations
 to foster dialogue between catholic men organizations
 to promote relations with national and international organizations
 to represent the hopes and the expectations of men in all fields of life
On 2nd October 2010, the Executive Committee of UNUM OMNES decided on the Feast day of St Joseph, the husband of Mary the mother of God as UNUM OMNES day.
Essentially, this day serves two objectives
 To focus on and live the key objects and aims of UNUM OMNES.
 To strive to emulate the virtues of St Joseph; a man and a father.
In the light of the objectives of the Feast day highlighted above, the following is recommend:-.
 Mass for Catholic men on Monday 19th March as spelt out in our earlier Broadcast.
 UNUM OMNES Prayer/Prayer for men, to be said after Mass. This prayer may be found on Page of our Marshallan Ode book and is also reproduced per the attached. All men at mass are invited to pray the Prayer to be led by the GK/RGK or their representatives.
 It is very important to seek the consent and approval of the Parish priest before Mass begins for the Prayer to be said .
 It is worth clarifying that UNUM OMNES in not an amalgam of Catholic men associations but an umbrella body for collaboration of Catholic Men Assoiciations in the Church
 While we continue to work collaboratively at the apex level, we encourage leadership at Council to first identify Catholic Men Associations in their Parishes. The next step is to design a schedule of activities in support of the Parish and the community of faithful in their microcosm. The focus here is on Evangelization.
 I cannot overemphasize the selfless, fatherly and prayerful attributes of St Joseph whom we aspire to emulate as Catholic men.
 Needless to remind you of a recommended talk on St Joseph on a convenient day but not necessarily at Mass on the 19th March.
I remain available to provide guidance as and when necessary.
Sir Kt. Bro. Anthony C. Kemavor 13th March, 2018
UNUM OMNES Prayer/Prayer for Men
Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God,
The father sent you to men of all generations so that we may answer His call to be holy men of the Church.
Merciful Lord, be our strength as we take up our crosses each day to follow you.
Inspire us to action in your Church so that our lives may become a living Gospel bringing joy and hope to the world.
Be present in our marriages and let the example of Mary and Joseph guide us in fulfilling our marital and parental responsibilities.
Encourage those who have consecrated themselves to Your Kingdom and strengthen their resolve to remain faithful to their vocations.
Bless all our actions this day that they may bring honor and glory to God our Father.
NB: This prayer can be found on Page 92 of the 2014 Edition of our Ode Book.

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