My dear Brothers and Sisters,
Once again, the feast day of the Noble Order, Marshallan Day, is here with us. Rightfully, we celebrate this feast day with various activities underscoring that element of LOVE in our Marshallan identity. In all that we do, the commemorative events in the life of Sir James Marshall are recounted with a sense of emulation. For the impending celebrations, I entreat you all to participate fully to make this year’s celebration a memorable one.
The relationship between Sir James Marshall and Rev. Fathers Auguste Moreau and Eugene Murat has long been established. The fact that the bi-annual Marshall-Moreau Murat- Memorial (MMMM) Lectures are coming off this year within three days of Marshallan Day would seem to remind us of the indelible link between our Feast day (Sir James Marshall Day) and the Year of the priest (Rev. Fr’s. Moreau and Murat).
The year of the priest instituted by The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI in June last year end in June 2010. In my letter to you in November, 2009, I shared a thought or two with you on the essence the Year of the Priest. Is it not striking that it is this period, dedicated to reflection and prayer for our Priests that has witnessed an avalanche of accusations against our Bishops around the world.
As we follow reports in the International media on acts of pedophilia and child sex abuse by the clergy in Europe and America, many of you would be wondering whether these purported acts did indeed take place. Our Holy Father continues to be looked upon with profound expectations on the Church’s official response on the matter. What is striking is why incidents that occurred several years ago into decades are now being reported on? Why are all these negative slants on the Church’s clergy coming up at this time in the History of the Church dedicated in support and prayer for the same priests?
If these challenges are facing our own spiritual leaders, we might as well acknowledge with humility similar challenges in our lives albeit in other forms. As we celebrate our feast Day, let us recall the lessons that came to us on our first night as Marshallans. Let us reflect on the sacrifices that were made by Sir James Marshall in making it possible for us this day to be part of the Body of Christ through the Catholic faith in this region of the world. Above all, let us recall the all too familiar admonition:
……Let us endeavour to so regulate our conduct that it will bring credit to ourselves and honour to this Noble Order……
Finally, may I request that we sing the Marshallan Air at Mass on 2nd May, 2010? May the message of our anthem speak to us this Marshallan feast day.
Fraternal Greetings,