My dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please and please again. I have waited about one month now because of your accident but I have seen that you are not making any attempt of paying the money. So therefore if I don’t hear anything from you, I will make everything possible to collect my money since you know I have given it to you on loan. I will put Christianity aside and collect the money because when I come here, you always tell me stories. Thank You.
This is an actual letter reproduced unedited from someone claiming repayment from a friend.
Brothers and sisters, do we find ourselves in situations that leave us so open as to attract demands on us such as these? Do we have a financial plan for the future?. Otherwise put, do we have a vision of what we aspire for ourselves and our families or are we just drifting by the day?
George Barna in his book Leaders on Leadership defines vision as “a clear mental portrait of a preferable future,….based on an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstances”.
In his book, Odyssey, John Sculley, the youngest ever president of Pepsi Company who moved to Apple Computers to become CEO achieved his incredible success without any background in technology or computers. Sculley credits his achievements in business to his commitment to his personal vision for himself and the Company. The financially successful individuals in society have one thing in common: their focus and commitment to the dreams of their life.
Thomas Carlyle has this to say on the subject “A person with a clear sense of purpose will make progress on even the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress on even the smoothest road”
Our Holy Book caps it all in Proverbs 29: “ Where there is no vision, the people perish”…..
Brothers and sisters, life is what we make it. Let us remember that the success ( or otherwise) of one does not inure to the individual only. It impacts directly on our children, our spouse and our family. Indeed society benefits from our success.
I invite you all to take some time off to think about your financial prospects, hopes and aspirations in the long term.
Remember the saying “Dream it, will it, claim it”. Your financial independence depends on what you make of it.
Plan Now.