Marshallan Information Management System to be deployed – W/Bro Salia

ALL is set for the deployment of the second phase of integrating Information Communication Technology (ICT) into the operations of the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall.

The second phase involves the capturing of data of brothers into the database of the Supreme Council under the Marshallan Information Management System (MIMS).

Brothers with the details in the database could then visit the website to create their own personal email addresses.

The Supreme IT Officer, W/Bro Albert Salia, announced this at a ceremony to demonstrate the operations of the new system to some office bearers from four councils in Accra.

The choice of the four councils, he explained, was because they had finished capturing the data of brothers in their respective councils namely Council 10, Okponglo; Council 48, Mataheko; Council 71, Dansoman and Council 108, Pokuase.

W/Bro Salia explained that features such as a Chat Platform and Discussion Forum on the website would all be activated after the data of brothers had been captured into the database of the Noble Order.

According to him, those features would enable brothers and sisters to chat and discuss purely Marshallan issues without the prying eyes of non-Marshallans.

He said there would be features for sending SMS to specific groups or individuals.

“The advantage we shall have here, as opposed to other public platforms, is that we can keep our interactions controlled from foul and abusive language. We will be able to network through the sharing of information on jobs, services, business opportunities, projects among other facilities,” he added.

W/Bro Salia explained that apart from networking with one another, Marshallans would have the opportunity to share their success stories to serve as a mentorship facility especially for the youth.

He said members would have to log in with valid user names and passwords to access remmis2stricted member areas and indicated that the server would auto logout users after five minutes of inactivity.

The Assistant Supreme IT Officer, W/Bro Gilbert Nii Addy, indicated that the MIMS would be hosted in the cloud while backups would be stored on physical machines.

He said Councils with excel sheets with the information on brothers could let the ICT committee have them to be converted and uploaded.

On access, he noted that brothers would be granted access to their personal details to check and verify information and also to check their financial status.

On Data security, W/Bro Addy explained that access to the web portal would be by secured channel (HTTPS), stressing that “the rights granted to users will be on needed to know basis”.



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