The Supreme ICT team undertook a demonstration of the new Marshallan Information Management Systems (MIMS) for selected brothers from four councils in Accra on the deployment of database system for the Noble Order.
After the demonstration, the ICT team sampled the views of some of the participants.
1: Bro Edward Taylor, IPGK, Council 48.

The deployment of the database of our personal records by accessing it on line has been quite educative. It now offers us an opportunity of moving it to the next level by using the data for multiplicity of items, notably among them is the recording of payment of our dues in Council and other levies on line.
It will facilitate payment of dues and levies to the Region and Supreme Council. It will also eliminate disputes of such payments since brothers can always access data on individual payments made.
Furthermore, It takes account of lodgments to banks and reconciliation of those receipts and payments by brothers to their Councils as well as to the Region and Supreme Council. There is also an in-built internal control system to prevent funds getting into wrong hands.
With this system, manual or paper work is considerably reduced. Update of personal information of every brother in council is enhanced since additions of information on brothers will easily be upgraded as when when it becomes necessary, Data of newly initiated brothers are added on to the existing ones and a backup provided to retrieve data whenever the need arises. It is good job by the ICT team and I urged all councils to co-operate with the team to move the Noble Order forward.

2: Bro William Dakpire, GK of Council 108, Pokuase
In my view if all the features of the new software for database of brothers are fully deployed , it will mind blowing as most if not all of the challenges facing councils in terms of right information will be fully addressed. The software is simply exciting and I cannot wait for it to be commissioned.
Bro Charles-Borromeo Seeninyin, former secretary, Council 10. Okponglo
I see a great tool that will help with analytics’s for targeted programme development and engagement geared towards building a better Noble Order. I encourage all brothers to provide needed data to build a robust platform.

Bro Joseph Quansah, Secretary of Finance, Council 71, Dansoman.
I think is it a very important initiative by ICT team. I was very impressed with the little that we were taught. What makes it very interesting is the fact reconciliation with region and supreme will be much easier.
The text message and the Chat & forum and the fact that brothers can easily check their financial details online was for me an excellent job by the ICT.