Some weeks ago, MAREDES donated money and relief items to support people affected by the recent inter-ethnic clashes in the Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo district within the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese. The donation was headlined by both the print and the electronic media, thereby underscoring the relevance of the activities ofthis organization. I would like to congratulate the Board of Directors, and Marshallans who have been supporting MARADES for their good work.
The Marshallan Relief and Development Service (MAREDES) is an NGO of the Noble Order which aims to augment its works of charity. MARADES seeks to bea vehicle that will more effectively,roll out the charitable works of the Noble Order with the specific focus of empowering the poor. This will be achieved by undertaking the relevant research necessary to influence policy change, and offering training and other capacity building initiatives.
Brothers and sisters, to help MARADES achieve its objectives,I urge you all to be a part of the activities of the organization. For the NGO to make maximum impact and reduce operational costs, Marshallans are encouraged to volunteer their time and skills towards the implementation of relief and developmental activities. The organization will therefore depend on the wide spectrum of talents, expertise, and competence of our membership when the need arises, and trustfully we can count on your co-operation.
As part of the efforts to raise funds in support of the activities of MARADES, a deal has been negotiated with the Quality Insurance Company (QIC), titled ‘Special QIC/Knights and Ladies of Marshall Insurance Package.’ The deal will require QIC to pay back to the Noble Order, a percentage of all premiums collected from Marshallans who insure their vehicles and other properties with the company. The funds collected from this arrangement will be channeled towards the initiatives of MARADES. For the Noble Order to enjoy the benefits in this deal it is important that brothers and sisters interested in joining the scheme identify the Knights and Ladies of Marshall as his/her agent in the transaction.
To help promote competitive spirit in this endeavor, a Board Member of MARADES, Sir Kt. Fosuaba Banahene has graciously donated two trophies to be donated annually to the council and court that enlists the most of its membership to insure their properties with QIC.Grand Knights and Noble Ladies should collate such information and forward it to the secretariat of MARADES, through the Supreme Council and the Grand Court.
Meanwhile we welcome on board, Sir Kt. Gyedu Adomako, who has joined the team as the Acting Administrative Manager of MARADES. We trust that he will bring to this organization his rich experience after extensive involvement in The Red Cross.
Finally, keeping in mind the fleeting nature of our time in the world, we shouldn’t hesitate in performing acts of kindness towards our fellow Marshallans and people we encounter. Do not neglect the chance to help someone because the opportunity might not pass your way again.
Sir Kt. Derx Baffour
(Supreme Knight)