There is no doubt that we are living in very turbulent times and this obviously gives us plenty of reasons to fear. Our world these days seems to be in a continuous state of war and crises. The job market and businesses are dismal, natural disasters wreak havoc, and stories of crime dominate the headlines. However, as Marshallans we know that fear should have no place in our lives, but how can we ignore what is going on around us?
Basically, there are two paths you can walk: faith or fear. It is impossible to simultaneously trust God and not trust God. Another way of saying this is that you cannot both obey and disobey Him. Partial obedience is disobedience. So my brothers and sisters which road are you travelling?
Unfortunately, some people who read the bible and believe in God nevertheless choose to live with fear. Seeing others experience hardship, they start wondering if it could happen to them. Someone at your office loses his/her job, and then you start wondering whether you will be next. Someone died in an accident, then the worry also starts, I could die too. But, my dear Marshallans, this kind of logic places your circumstances above your relationship with God.
If the world and the system can get you to think like this, then the battle over your mind had been lost. But when you focus on God rather than your circumstances, whatever the situation is, you win. The scripture tell us in 2nd Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and discipline.
Be mindful that fear stifles your thinking and actions. It creates indeciveness that results in stagnation. I have known talented people who procrastinate indefinitely rather than risk failure. Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence.
Fear hinders you from becoming the people God wants you to be. When you are dominated by negative emotions, you cannot achieve the goals He has in mind for you. A lack of self-confidencestymies your belief in what the Lord can do with your lives.
Fear can drive you to destructive habits. To numb the pain of overbearing distress, some people turn to things like drugs and alcohol for artificial relief.
Fear steals peace and contentment. When you are always afraid, your life becomes centered on pessimism and gloom.
My brothers and sisters, what are you afraid of? – poverty, rejection, unemployment, sickness, or death? Everybody will definitely face and encounter such realities at some point. All you need to know is, God will never reject you. The Scriptures assures us that God will meet all your needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more, then, will He care for you, who are made In His image. Just obey the heavenly father and leave the consequences to Him.
Our heavenly father understands your disappointments, suffering, pain, fear and doubt. He is always there to encourage your hearts and help you to understand that He is sufficient for all of your needs. When you accept this as an absolute truth in life, you will find that your worrying will stop.
Fraternally yours
Sir Kt. Derx Baffour
(Supreme Knight)
PS – The spirit of unflinching fraternity and charity of the Noble Order was at its best when during my recent visit to Lome, Togo to attend the State Council meeting, I witnessed the donation of a 60-seater bus from Sir Kt Jerome Kugbe and Sis. Kugbe. This kind gesture from the brother and sister was to support and ensure the financial sustainability of the State Council and Court. Kudos to them.