My dear Brothers and Sisters of the Marshallan fraternity,

At the time of writing my letter to you last month, we had just entered the season of Lent – a time in the year when the Church calls us in a very special way to put aside our pride, cut or reduce our quest for pleasure, power, possessions and prestige and focus attention on giving God His proper place in our hearts.

Easter is about two weeks away as I write this month’s letter. It is likely that many of you will be reading it after the celebration of Easter. Let me therefore use the opportunity to wish you all happy Easter, hoping that “Lent 2008”, has indeed been a blessing to you and your families.

A TV evangelist I was listening to the other day gave interesting definitions of the words Integrity and Reputation. He defined integrity as “ones record with God” and reputation as “ones record with men”. I pray that whatever Lenten sacrifices you made, has improved your “record with God” rather than your “record with men”. If that were so, then you should be on your way, with the help of His Spirit, to be doing your very best at every endeavour you undertake including serving and loving God, man and also your Noble Order.

To further support our efforts to be on track for God, we could among other things like consistent Bible studies, learn from Rotary and allow their Four-Way test to be at the forefront of everything we think, say and do. If we were to ask ourselves whether an action we are about to undertake is true and fair, whether it will build goodwill and better friendships and whether it will be beneficial to all concerned, we will stop short of most of the ethical and spiritual pitfalls that might otherwise make us stumble and reverse the gains we have made, preparing for Easter. I pray therefore, that the resurrection power of Easter increases in us, the desire for the things of God, strengthen our resolve to be honest, truthful and caring in our dealings with men, and increase our dedication and commitment to the Noble Order.

Our Order is a force for spirituality founded on unity, charity, friendship and service.  It connects each and everyone of us and together, allows us to serve our God and help others in many ways. We must therefore be strong!. But the Noble Order can only be as strong as each one of its Councils and Courts and our Councils and Courts can only be as strong as their members.

Let the spirit and blessings of Easter continue to sustain us in the Lord throughout the year so we can, through our Noble Order glorify Him and be a blessing to our fellow men. HAPPY EASTER!

Yours fraternally

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