Respected Lady Sis. Ayittey,73, wife of Sir Kt. Bro. Gilbert Ayittey, a retired Editor of the Ghana News Agency was giving a fitting burial at the Gethsemane Memorial Garden (SHIASHIE) after a burial Mass held at Christ the King Parish.

The main celebrant of the Mass was Very Rev. Fr. Andrew Campbell, Parish Priest of Christ the King Parish. Assisting him were Rev. Msgrs. Hilary Senoo and Alex Bobby Benson.

In a homily, Very Rev. Fr. Campbell prayed that God would reward her for her good works and faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He urged Christians to always pray for a happy death although it can be painful to bereaved families.

Said Very Rev. Fr. Campbell, “We must intensify our faith in God and thank God for the faith to know that death is not an end itself.”

Several tributes at the Mass spoke of her care, fellow feeling, hard work and love for humanity.

Said her husband in a tribute, “Rex, you were very instrumental in the family’s financial and material support to close and distant relations. Personally you were my pillar of support in all my endeavours. You have been my lover, faithful companion, advisor and confidant. You will not be with me in person but I shall always remember you and your good deeds. We will always recall and be proud of your service to humanity, companionship, advice, solidarity love and prayerful life. Rex, you have fought a good fight on this earth and we pray that our Father in Heaven gives you a peaceful and eternal rest.

A tribute by the Ayittey family of Ghana and Togo described her as “priceless” imbued always with the determination to provide support for all irrespective of their social status.

In a tribute, read by RL Sis. Angela Blewu, a Past Regional Grand Knight of the Ladies of Marshall, UK, brothers and sisters of the London Regional Council and Court said late RL Sis. Ayittey “touched the life and souls of all Marshallans in all her encounters.” Your departure leaves a gaping hole in our hearts. We will miss you and remember you in our prayers”.

Among those present at the Mass were the Supreme Knight, Sir Kt. Bro. Joseph Ekow Paintsil and several senior luminaries of the Noble Order of the Ladies of Marshall. Worthy Bro. Michael Hayfron, Regional Grand Knight of the London Regional Council and MRL Sis. Tina Agyeman led a high powered UK delegation.

Late Sis. Ayittey, a professional Nurse, worked at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, the Police Hospital and various health centers in London. In 1980, she was initiated into the Noble Order, Court 5 and later transferred to Court 57 following her relocation to London. While in Court 57, she served on various committees of the court including the position of Assistant Secretary.

Before her journey to London, late Sis. Ayittey served as an Usher at the Christ the King Parish from 1983 to 1990 and later as Assistant Secretary Christ the King Marshallan Association.




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