As the year 2018 draws to a close, as Christians, we continue to remember the events leading to the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To us Marshallans, the birth of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ should constantly remind us of the pledge our Thirteen Founding Fathers made over 92 years ago to continue to defend the Catholic faith at all times within the spirit of Unity, Charity, Fraternity and Service.
We, as your leaders, will continue to provide the drive and energy towards the realisation of the objectives the Noble Order.
The celebration of our 9th Marshallan Re-Union Conference should be a constant reminder to us to think positively about what we as Marshallans want to achieve by the close of our Centenary Celebration, namely, enhancing our spirituality, completion of key projects such as our Rubber Plantation, the Banquette Hall, the Centenary Project, i.e. the Conference Centre at the Supreme Council Headquarters and the Conference Centre at the Grand Court Secretariat.
We believe we should also be encouraged by the theme of the last Re-Union Conference Management and Conservation of the Environment and the topic: Laudato Si and the Implication of the Environment; the Role of the Marshallan so as to mitigate the adverse effects of environmental degradation. Every Council and Court should take up one project as a religious obligation that would help protect the environment.
Our performance of our religious obligation as Pilgrims to the Holy land, Fatima, Lourdes and Padua should help build and strengthen our faith as Catholic Knights and Ladies going into the New Year.
We pray that we will continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit to build, promote and develop a vibrant society of committed and knowledgeable Catholic men and women imbued with unalloyed Catholic faith, ever determined to play our individual and collective roles to the highest level towards the realization of the Universal Sacrament of Salvation.
We wish you all Merry Christmas and Prosperous Happy new Year