Celebrating 16th October as Sir James Marshall Memorial Day

On 16th October this year (2019), Marshallans shall celebrate Sir James Marshall Memorial Day. This will mark the 34th year since the discovery of the tomb of Sir James Marshall by the current Supreme Director, S/Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. E.S.K. Kwaw (then Deputy Supreme Knight) assisted by Rev. Fr. Leahy, the parish priest of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Mortlake. It will also mark the 1st Sir James Marshall Memorial Day Celebration.
The Supreme Knight, Sir Knight Charles L.L. Cobb together with Brothers and Sisters of the United Kingdom branch of the Noble Order will visit the tomb of Sir James Marshall at the St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, 61 North Worple Way, Mortlake, London, SW14 8PR.
Some of the activities for the day will be a Holy Mass and the laying of wreaths at the tomb of Sir James Marshall. Special prayers will be offered for the Cause of the Beatification of Sir James Marshall.
All Councils and Courts of the Noble Order have been directed by the Supreme Knight and Grand Lady to celebrate this day in their various parishes with a Memorial Mass. A second collection is to be taken in aid of the Beatification of Sir James Marshall.
Sir James Marshall was indeed a great man and stands tall in the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Ghana. Our Journey towards immortalizing his name has been a long winding one and the launching of the Cause for His Beatification is by far one of the most important events in the growth of the Noble Order of Knights and Ladies of Marshall. This year we have successfully instituted the St. James Marshall Memorial Day as part of the processes to immortalize His name. The second offertory will give financial support to the final Canonization of Sir James Marshall. These achievements will undoubtedly make our Founding Fathers proud. Mention must be made of the advocacy by members both past and present who have put some of these ideas forward. We salute all such Brothers and Sisters who have helped this noble cause. We bring you a reprint of the Editorial of the January to March 2003 edition of The Bridge Magazine below:

Include October 16 on Marshallan Calender

October 16, this year , marks the 18th anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of Sir James Marshall at Mortlake cemetery in Britain by Sir Kt. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Edmund S.K Kwaw, PSK/PIP/PSS with the assistance of Rev. Fr. Leahy of St Mary Magdalene Church in Mortlake.
It is also known that Sir Kt Edmund solely financed the erection of the tomb of the man our Noble Order is named after. Through his initiative, Brothers and Sisters from West Africa who find themselves in London undertake a pilgrimage to the tomb to lay wreaths in his memory.
It has been the ardent wish of all Marshallans that efforts should be made to establish a prescribed formula for our members to follow that would eventually lead to the establishment of causes of sainthood status for the Beatification of St. James Marshall.
At the year 2000 celebration of Marshallan Day at Sakumono Corpus Christi Church by Marshallans from the Greater Accra Region the late Sir Knight Bro. Matthew Kwasi Nti appealed to the Noble Order to recognize the discovery of the tomb of Sir James Marshall as a feast day. He urged all Councils and Courts to celebrate Holy Mass to pray for the beatification of Sir James Marshall.
Sir Knight Bro. Nti expressed the view that the discovery of the tomb at 12:00 midday after two and a half hours of search was not a coincidence since this was the Angelus time. He therefore urged that Marshallans should pray the Angelus and make intercessions for Sir James’ beatification.
The discovery also showed the power of the BVM who no doubt influenced Sir James to become a Catholic at a great cost of an Anglican priest becoming a layman in the Catholic Church.
We suggest that the Supreme Council convenes a Chaplains’ forum to recommend ways of ensuring that our Sir James is beatified.

We suggest that October 16 of every year must become an official feast day of the Noble Order as soon as possible.
The Rituals Committee should ensure that all Councils and Courts request Holy Mass and special prayers should be made for the beatification of Sir James Marshall. The day is to be celebrated on the day it falls. However, when it falls on a Sunday, this should be celebrated on Regional basis perhaps, with a tridium by individual Councils and Courts.
A journey of a thousand miles according to a Chinese proverb begins with one step. This is applicable in the journey of the beatification of Sir James Marshall.

From SK / GL Desk

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