Pope Francis’ March Intentions
“We pray for Christians facing new
bioethical challenges; may they continue to
defend the dignity of all human life with
prayer and action”.
Let us reflect on how we can more fully demonstrate our respect for all human life from conception to natural death.
Do I recognize the face of Jesus in those around me
irrespective of race age or ability?
In Jonah 3:4-10 we read how God relented when the people in the city of Nineveh, fasted and wore sackcloth for 40 days.
Jesus after his Baptism in the Jordan headed out to the wilderness where he remained for 40 days.
These stories remind us of the need for a period to reflect upon our relationship with God and with others.
Lent is
a time to reflect and to take stock of our lives.
a time for conversion.
a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
May we take time this Lent to reflect upon our prayer life to offer sacrifice through fasting or other forms of self-denial such as giving up something we like. Let us share with others our time, our talents, our money, or other possessions.
Other suggestions
Study and Read: Use our Lenten Calendar which has been circulated to follow reflections from Amoris Laetitia. For those who wish to further reflect the number provided refers to the paragraph from which the quotation is taken.
Laudato Si
During Lent we could begin to begin to respond to the Cry of the Earth through
Organize a family project. Identify the animals that pollinate flowers in your area. Bring children or grandchildren into these efforts, helping them understand how pollinators protect our food systems. Learn what types of food and habitat these pollinators need.
Participate in a litter-removal campaign If appropriate, reflect with children or grandchildren on litter as an expression of what Laudato Si’ describes as the “throw-away culture
Reduce: the use of plastics
Save: energy and water,
Grow: Plant vegetables, and eat more healthily
Recycle /Reuse: to reduce waste, repair clothes
We also encourage everyone to become more active through enrolling in the Laudato Si Action Platform. Details to be found using the link below
Laudato Si’ Action (laudatosiactionplatform.org)