My dear Brothers and Sisters,
I greet you all noble men and ladies of this Noble Order of the Knights and ladies of Marshall with the Peace and Love of Jesus Christ. In the same breath, I would like to extend to you all the warmth of my very first monthly outreach to you as Supreme Knight.
I hasten to acknowledge this medium of communication introduced by my predecessor, Sir Knt Bro Eddie Prah exactly two years ago on assumption of office as Supreme Knight. I will continue sharing my thoughts with you on a monthly basis. Shortly however, I will be re-introducing the monthly reflection (Formation) program. In that event, my medium of communication will be modified in conformity with the format of the reflection program.
There are two subjects I wish to share with you on my very first letter to you.
Firstly, I share with you the Theme for my administration.
“You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world……. and the leaven in the bread”.
(Mt 15: 13-16, Mk. 9:50, Lk.14:34-35)
This teaching is perhaps the very stock underlinignig our identity as Catholic knights (and ladies) in defence of the Church of God by our deeds in serving our God and fellow man.
In subsequent months I will be sharing a few thoughts with you on this subject and together, we will see the practical implementation of this teaching.
Secondly, I wish to remind you of the proclamation by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI declaring the year June 2009 to June 2010 a year for priests. This declaration by the Holy father is in honour of the 150th Anniversary of St John Vianney, the Cure of Ars.
Yours fraternally,