Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Edmund Samuel Kwekukye Kwaw – A Total Personality

A total personality: That is what Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Edmund Samuel Kwekukye Kwaw, born on November 15, 1933, the third Supreme Director of the Noble Order of the Knights of Marshall is. Approachable, dependable, gentle, humble, reliable and perfectionist are a few of the adjectives that attempt to describe this icon.

These words which have over the years been used to describe him in many circles are also evident in his chosen profession – Medicine which he continues to practice at the age of 79, involvement in Marshallans activities and the Holy Mother the Catholic Church.

WISDOM 9.6, 10 -11 which underlines his philosophy in life, continues to guide him in all his endeavors. “Indeed though one may be perfect among sons of men, if wisdom who comes from you, be not with him, he shall be held in no esteem. Send her forth from your heavens and from your glorious throne, dispatch her that she may be with me and work with me that I may know what is your pleasure. For she knows and understands all things and guides me discreetly in my affairs and safe-guard me by her glory.”


A product of the then Enchi Government School, Akim Oda Government School and Achimota Secondary School, Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw furthered his education at the University College, Ibadan, Nigeria. He holds, among others, a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of London.

A heavyweight in the Medical profession Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw continues to practise with dedication at his clinic – SIX STREET CLINIC, SEKONDI, established on October 17, 1967.

Within the medical sector he served twice as the Secretary General of the Ghana Medical Association of the Western Region from 1964-1966 and 1984 to 1986; member of the Medical Commission of Sports of Ghana1967 to 1968. Vice-President Catholic Doctor’s gilt from 1984 to 1988 and a consultant to the National Medical Ethics Commission of the Catholic Church from 1984 to date.


Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw’s journey into the Noble Order started 49 years ago – September 26, 1964, following his initiation in Council ONE, Sekondi. His commitment, dedication and leadership skills became noticeable. Thus, a year after his initiation, Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw, the first medical doctor to be initiated into the Noble Order, made history when the hierarchy of the Noble Order appointed him the Supreme Physician, a position he held from May 1965 – September 10, 1977. While serving in that capacity, he was elected Deputy Grand Knight of Council ONE from February 1, 1969 – January 30, 1971 and Grand Knight from January 31, 1971 – January 27, 1973.

His progression in the Noble Order continues after the expiration of his term as Grand Knight. He was elected Deputy Western Regional Grand Knight from September 8, 1973 – 1975 and later Regional Grand Knight from September 13, 1975 – 1977.

Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw scored another first when on completion of his tenure of office as Regional Grand Knight, he was appointed the Supreme Secretary of the Knights of Marshall from September 10, 1977 – September19,1987, Deputy Supreme Knight from September 21, 1985 and September 19, 1987 and the 18th Supreme Knight of the Noble Order from September 19, 1987-1991, the only Supreme Knight to have served two consecutive terms of four years.


Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw instituted a number of landmark reforms in the fraternity

which continued to be embraced. Among these   were the institution of the annual forum ofGrand Knights and Noble Ladies, the re-activation of the Marshallan Re-union Conference which has been stopped for many

years, the Annual Marshall, Mureau, Murat Lectures, the pilgrimage of Marshallans to the Holiest sites of Christendom and the creation of the Christus Regnet Fund which supports the training of seminarians. Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr.Dr. Kwaw travelled extensively during his tenure of office performing Marshallan duties in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Gambia,Togo-Benin, Liberia and throughout the country. Significant of these trips was his visit to Mortlake, London on October 16, 1985 in the company of Late Very Rev. Fr. Leahy, then Parish Priest of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, where the tomb of our revered Sir James Marshall was discovered at exactly 12 noon (Angelus).


His association with the International Council of Catholic Men (Unum Omnes) whose aims and objectives are similar to the Noble Order, has been significant – serving as Continental Representative for Africa from 1984 – 1994: Continental Representative for West Africa from 1994- 2012, Board Member from 1988-1997 and Vice President from 2006 – 2009. He also became the third Supreme Knight of the Noble Order to be appointed President of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights – (September 1997 – October 1999) which, among other things co-operates and supports the Holy Mother the Catholic Church in the advancement of the Catholic Faith worldwide.


A Catholic to the core, Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw has made diverse contributions to the Holy Mother, the Catholic Church, – serving first as organist at the Achimota School Catholic Church – 1952 to 1954. He served in the same capacity at the St. Cecilia Catholic Church Choir, Derby Avenue Accra from 1955 to 1957 and St. Paul’s Pro-Cathedral Choir, Sekondi 1972. He has also rendered services in different capacities including Board Chairman of the Archbishop Porter Girls Senior High School and one time  Catholic Church nominee on the Board of Centre for Civic Education and member of the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission.

In recognition of his role so far, he has received two Papal Awards, namely, Papal Knight of St. Gregory the Great – October 8, 1978 and Papal Knight Commander of St. Gregory the Great – July  29, 2000.

Speaking to the Bridge, Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw spoke of the need for Marshallans to persevere in their efforts so as to advance the Noble Ideals of the Founding Fathers espoused on Unity, Charity and Fraternity. He underscored the need for councils and courts to help nurture the Junior Orders members who are the future of our Noble Order.

“The future destiny of the Noble Order lies with the Junior Order. I therefore appeal to all councils and courts to factor appropriate mechanisms to attract the young ones into the adult councils and courts.”


Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Kwaw’s sacrament of matrimony took place at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Derby Avenue, Accra with MRL Sis. Elizabeth Kwaw on August 23, 1959 is and blessed with six children.

His hobbies are tennis and swimming which have perhaps contributed to his physical fitness and alertness.


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