• Supreme Director, Sir Kt. Vet Bro. Edmund Samuel Kwekukye Kwaw, Kt.

  Ord. of St. Gregory the Great, President Onum Omnes, Past President IACK

  • M.R.L Sis. Frances Mensah Kane
  • M.R.L Sis. Dame Theresa Pobbee
  • M.R.L Sis. Margaret Gaissie Essiffie
  • M.R L Sis. Cecilia Senkyerey
  • M.R.L Sis. Agnes Gifty Amofah
  • M.R.L Sis. Elizabeth Moses
  • M.R.L. Sis. Agnes Alberta Sekye Hughes
  • M.R.L Sis. Victoria Yellu – Installation Officer
  • M.R.L. Sis. Mary Agege – Installation Secretary
  • M.R.L. Sis. Janet Edith Mmieh – Installation Sentary
  • Sir. Kt. Bro. Msgr. Hillary Senoo –Installation Chaplain
  • M.R.L. Sis Margaret Yirenkyi (IPGL)
  • Past Supreme Knights,present
  • Past Grand Ladies
  • State Noble Ladies,(past/present)
  • Officers of Standing Committee (past/present)
  • Worthy Brothers
  • Respected Ladies
  • Brother Rev. Fathers
  • Sis. Rev. Sisters
  • Sisters of the Noble Order of the Ladies of Marshall.

nstantly, I heard a voice saying “Be determined and confident, for you will be the leader

of these people, as they occupy the land which I promised their ancestors” Joshua 1:60.

Suddenly, the fears that gripped me, the doubts that tormented my mind at the time my

name was pronounced to contest the election for the enviable position of the Deputy

Grand Lady on Saturday 19th September, 2013 at the Grand Court meeting submerged.

The situation of my election was likened to a fairy tale of the  discovery of the destiny of

Evelyn King, an African American Studio cleaner, who was granted the chance to try her

hands on any piece of music at the studio.  The trial song, to the surprise of the studio

manager, eventually became the hit song of America at the time.

Most Respected Ladies, Sir. Knights, Brothers and Sisters of the Noble Order. we may

not dream about positions and stages that seem distant from where we stand, but when

we focus on the purpose of our call to the membership of the Noble Order and consider

God’s vision for us, we are inclined to accept positions.   Also, we believe that God in his

own wisdom raises his light on us so that we might be stretched to our full potential in

accomplishment for his mission for us.

Furthermore, we acknowledge the fact that our efforts in faith and actions of commitment

to dreams over the years wield the wands of our destinies.

Lets us not lose  sight of the fact that God sometimes chooses leaders with unique

qualities for specific purposes at particular times to manifest Himself.  Similarly the spirit

of the Lord radiates through various people irrespective of their status quo, colour or

creed so as to commission them to undertake specific tasks to his own fulfillment.

The position I assume as the Grand Lady of the Noble Order of the Ladies of Marshall for

 the current term is nevertheless an extraordinary situation.  I therefore wish to express

my enthusiasm and gratitude for accepting me and installing me as the Grand Lady for

the term. I pledge therefore, to dedicate my services to the growth and stability of the

Noble Order.  I also entreat each and every member to pledge her indulgence for the

attainment of our goals.

Sir Knights, Most Respected Ladies, Brothers and Sisters, I wish to register my

gratitude to various people for the roles they have played in my life as a

Marshallan and whose guidance and mentorship permitted the attainment

of my feat  in the Noble Order.

First and foremost, I praise and glorify God whose presence and protection has

been my guide.

I acknowledge the Bishops and the Clergy of my three Diocese of the Volta

Region, for their spiritual guidance and exposure given me that have become the

bedrock of my achievements.

The Committee of Past Grand Ladies, you visualized God’s image and peculiar talents in me; you whipped up confidence in me as a learner, and encouraged

me to do my work as DGL.  My good leaders, as a child, I trust my confidence in

you for your continous guidance and support.

I acknowledge in a special way my IPGL; the veteran Grand Lady, in the person

of M.R.L Sis Margaret Yirenkyi, for her achievements. You cooperated with me,

and appreciated my performances as the DGL. While I thank you and

bank my hopes on your continuous support, love and pieces of advice, I assure

you that I will uphold your efforts, and build upon them in my stewardship.

My dear Installation Team, I admonish you for your love, commitment to service

and exuberance during the ceremony. On behalf of my officers, and on my own

behalf, I wish to express our gratitude to you. We hope that your energetic

attributes will ginger our spirit and attitude to work.

When reflecting over my past performances, I vividly recall the confidence reposed in

me by the members of my Courts in the South & North Volta Regions.  I cannot fail

but acknowledge my great mentors, and Officers of the South & North Volta Regions

for their tremendous support and encouragement that have brought me this far. I am

particularly grateful to M.R.Ls Sis Perpetual Abiwu, Josephine Agbavitor, Sophia

Agbodza, Jane Aidam, Georgina Kunawotor, Theresa Doboly,    R.L Sis. Erica Anyawoe

\and Victoria Mallet Mamaga Ekua Dei for their love and guidance. I am  grateful to my

sisters of Court 10 Ho and brothers of Council 20 Ho for their support and pieces of

advice. I wish God’s blessings for some concerned brothers and sisters outside my

Region who shared their time, love and resources to support my installation.

I recall with grief the late M.R.L.s Sis. Theresa Akoe Koffie, Victoria Eduwodzi Akuffo,

Anastasia Kumahor, Veronica Keh and R.L. Sis. Monica Ashun, as well as Sir Kt. Bro.

Humado and W. Br. Anyawoe ets, all of blessed memory whom i would ever remember

them as my great mentors and instructors. May their souls and the souls of all departed

Sisters and Brothers rest in perfect peace. Amen!



Brothers and Sisters, as I take over the batton, permit me to reflect over the primary objectives of our Noble Order. The objectives require us to work with the Church’s hierarchy and societies to;

  • Propagate the Gospel
  • Transform ourselves and society
  • Foster fraternal spirit among ourselves

We are further guided to live up to the seven principles of the Noble Order – These seven points emphasize virtues of honesty, duty consciousness, reliability, respect for authority and orderliness among others.  Currently we cannot escape from the fact that we no longer live up to the ideals of the Noble Order.  Most of us now live in the society superficially without heart and mind, and are unconcerned with the legacy left for us by our ancestors. We sometimes do what we perceive right,  but contrary to our regulations and to the disadvantage of our fellow sisters. At  one time or the other we become apathetic to perform our duties as expected of us in the  society and take

advantage of our services for personal gains or use our positions to favour ourselves

and friends.

The trends of modern society challenge us to live with vices such as dishonesty,

selfishness, corruption, injustice, favouratism, moral decadence and intolerance. These

attitudes result in indiscipline, which is non- Christian and have negative effect on our


We must be guided by our motto, and socially intervene in the problems of the needy

 and the marginalized; problems of drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, child prostitution,

etc. which affect our families and society should be addressed  by our charity work.

According to our call by Vatican II, we are  to restore peace, redeem the poor and the

needy and live up to our model, Jesus Christ in the course of our salvation. ‘He has

sent me to preach deliverance to the captives’ Luke 4:18.

Most Respected Ladies ,Sir Knights, my dear Sisters of the Noble Order, the magnitude

of problems call on us to share a new vision  for 2016 – 2017 and adopt a common

strategy for  transformation.


My vision for the society therefore is: “SPIRITUALLY COMMITTED AND KNOWLEDGABLE


The vision calls on us to constantly reflect over our actions, receive feedback on our

performances and re-direct our attitudes and actions.  We must search for knowledge

to build our competencies and to advance socially and spiritually. We should adhere

strictly to the tenets of the Noble Order so that we may become self disciplined and

socially adjusted.  The vision also directs us to love our neighbours and maintain

peaceful relations with one another to attain salvation.

My dear Sisters, I wish to pose a few questions for us to answer so as to  access

our individual performances?

  1. How often do I read the word of God and reflect over it.?
  2. Do I participate regularly in court meetings, retreats, spiritual formation and feast

     day celebrations?

  1. Do I treat my sisters and my contemporaries with honour as people who are

     entitled to dignity?

  1. Do I guide and discipline my children and wards and teach them moral values?
  2. Do I give needed help to the weak, poor and socially deprived?
  3. Do I receive the Sacraments prescribed by the Church?
  4. Do I participate in my Parish programmes, offer the needed support and pay my

     Church dues?

  1. Am I moved or perturbed by the achievement of a sister or a brother?
  2. Do l perform my duties diligently in my Court, home, office or community?
  3. Do my services provide means only for my personal gain or do they benefit others?
  4. Have I met my financial obligations to enhance development of my local,

      Regional and Grand Courts?

  1. Am I accountable in the services I provide?
  2. What physical, spiritual or financial support have I ever offered to other


  1. What are my future plans for any positive change?

My dear officers and members, over the years my predecessors strived to set

tools such as our motto the rituals, codes of discipline, spiritual formation programmes

etc. to sustain us.  However human as we are, we need to strive further to seek for

information and acquire more knowledge since learning begins from cradle to the tomb.


Our aim for the term is to:

“Sensitize Marshallan Ladies to uplift spirituality, acquire knowledge and

management skills in a sustainable Order by 2017”.

To pursue our action, we must appreciate that our motto, Unity, Charity, Service and

Fraternity is integral to spirituality and socialization. A person who is neither spiritual nor

social cannot live at peace with people. Some attributes of socialization and spirituality

are service, obedience, harmony, commitment, love, loyalty, accountability, integrity,

transparency, zealousness and being prayerful. We must therefore confront ourselves

to take positive actions.


 “BRIDGE YOUR GAPS”.  In this context sisters must confront themselves to bridge the gaps and move from negatives to positives, from vices to virtues,

from apathy to commitment and from ignorance to knowledge etc.


  2. a) Listen keenly and open up for constructive criticisms.
  3. b) Explain and teach spiritual dimensions of the ritual at Court meetings.
  4. c) Educate with talks based on the Bible, the Church’s history, liturgy, doctrines and

     lives of the Saints.

  1. d) Intensify the study of the mystic psychology course.
  2. e) Assign our chaplains and clergy to educate members.
  3. f) Do charity work and support the needy and the socially deprived.
  4. g) Form Committee to document spiritual significance of rituals and submit report

     to Grand Court.

  2. a) Organize seminars, symposia on social teachings of the Church.
  3. b) Support and participate in Laity week and Parish celebrations.
  4. c) Organize lectures to inform sisters on health, legal and political issues.
  5. d) Seek information on MARIDAS and other development ventures of the Order.
  2. a) Investigate the backgrounds of aspiring members and organize retreats to

     prepare them before initiation.

  1. b) Visit and counsel irregular/sick members.
  2. c) Institute committees to promote peace and order at all levels.
  1. d) Pay dues and levies prescribed by the courts at all levels.
  2. e) Keep adequate records, information and data of members of Courts and set up

     secretarial committees at all levels to collate report promptly ahead of regional,

     standing committee and grand court meetings.

  1. f) Provide on- the- job training and orientation to newly installed officers.
  2. g) Set up income generation ventures in courts.
  3. h) Open new Courts and reorganize regions according to Ecclesiastical organization in

     the regions.

  1. i) Motivate members and build trust among them with love, integrity and


  1. j) Engage in close collaboration with the Knights at all levels.
  2. k) Support evangelization activates of all church societies.
  2. a) Pay project levies promptly to enhance the completion of the Grand Court Secretariat

     project. i.e. electrification by 2017. Therefore pledge GHs 2,000.00 as seed for the

     electrification project.

  1. b) Commit members to construct their own temples.
  2. c) Develop financial administrative policy manual to guide members.
  3. d) Commit members to be accountable in all matters of finance.
  4. e) Encourage Courts to set up enterprises.

     Adhere to the criteria for selection of Courts for award.

  2. a) Provide maximum financial and moral support to the junior courts.
  3. b) Organize social and spiritual intervention programmes to educate the juniors.
  4. c) Emphasize moral virtues and maintain discipline among the juniors.
  5. d) Create more junior courts for exhisting adult courts


The Marshallan Order has all the capable human resources, whose contribution and

voluntary support can provide adequate knowledge and the spirituality we require to

become well transformed and equipped to evangelize in our mother, the Catholic

Church and the society at large. I plead with my high officers, the Committee of Past

Grand Ladies, our Clergy, all other officers and members to give off their best in

sacrifice, and keep up the image of the society. I entreat in a special way, all Honorary

Past Grand Ladies to use their rich experiences and stock of knowledge to support

our spiritual endeavour to educate and transform the members and the youth.

I charge members  and all officers of the Noble Order at various levels to:

  • Dedicate themselves to the course of the Noble Order to enhance our prosperity.
  • Open up to valid pieces of advice, positive criticism and useful suggestions to

    advance administration.

  • Commit themselves to various Committees to function well.
  • Listen freely and attentively and reflect daily.
  • Promote quality life through study courses and acquisition of knowledge
  • Maintain justice and peace among people
  • Participate in meetings and all activities of the Order.
  • Maintain order and discipline at all times and at all levels.
  • Provide support and share your time, resource and knowledge to enhance the

    growth of the Courts.

  • Maintain close collaboration with the Knights and other confraternities of the Church.
  • Give ample time to nurture the junior Marshallans to become useful future adults.
  • Pray individually and in groups unceasingly.

May God bless us all,

Long live our Mother, the Catholic Church

Long live the Noble Order of the Knights And Ladies of Marshal. Amen!.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

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