GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)
DATE: 27TH JUNE 2016
1ST READING: Amos 2:6-10, 13-16
PSALM: Psalm 50:16-23
GOSPEL: Matthew 8:18-22
An examination candidate pleads with an invigilator for an extra five minutes to finish answering a question. Meanwhile, at the same time, someone, somewhere, lazily sleeps in bed wasting precious time. A beggar sits by the roadside hoping that she would garner some coins to buy a loaf of bread and porridge to sustain her for the day. Meanwhile, at the same time, someone, somewhere, dumps into the garbage enough food that could sustain the beggar for a whole week. A bedridden patient on admission at the hospital longs for energy to stand up on his feet for a while. Meanwhile, at the same time, someone, somewhere, actively uses his energy to destroy lives and property.
We often take the blessings of God, be it time, money or energy, for granted and sometimes abuse His divine providence and generosity. This was the situation of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in our First Reading.
Under the leadership of King Jeroboam II (793-753 B.C.), the Lord blessed his people beyond measure. It was a time of political stability, material prosperity and geographical expansion. However, it was precisely at this moment when life appeared to be good that abuse reared its ugly head. The rich became richer and the poor, poorer. The strong in society abused the weak and corruption skyrocketed.
The prophet Amos appeared on the scene as a conscience for the people, reminding them of the judgement of God – “Thus says the Lord: For the three crimes, the four crimes of Israel, I have made my decree and will not relent…” (Amos 2:6).
The expression “Kyrie eleison” is a Latin transliteration of a Greek phrase which basically means “Lord have mercy”. Indeed, if the Lord should mark our guilt, many of us would not survive (cf. Ps. 130:3). In diverse ways, we abuse the blessings of God, forgetting that God sees everything that happens on the face of the earth.
We sometimes take selfish decisions, not considering its negative effect on our next door neighbour or colleague at work. We selfishly use money under the pretext, “it is my wealth.” We abuse others with the gift of our tongues and call it “freedom of expression.”
A day will come when each one of us would have to stand before the judgement seat of God. A human court of law may acquit and discharge you for lack of evidence but the court of heaven does not lack evidence. Let us therefore cry out “Kyrie eleison” and pray for a change of heart. Let us choose to make amends for the wrongs we have done in the past. Selfishness must give way to selflessness.
Eternal Father, I beat my breast in shame and turn to you for mercy. If you should mark my guilt, I would not survive. I have made wrong choices in life and abused your generosity. I cry out to you this day, Kyrie eleison. For the sake of Christ, your Son, I pray. Amen.
Fr. Andrews Obeng, SVD
(Ghana Province)