Dear Brothers and Sisters.

Though we had sent you the Lent/Easter message from the International Alliance of Catholic Knights (IACK) which guided us through the period of Lent we still feel obliged to reach you with this special message of ours.

“Since we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession.” (Hebrews 4:14). 

You still remember how we recited with chorus the mystery of faith until recently; “CHRIST HAS DIED, CHRIST IS RISEN, CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN.” This sentence which is made up of three phrases vividly captures the confession of our faith. As Christians the mystery of our faith hinges around this confession. Easter in the life of the Church is that season set apart to celebrate this mystery. The Church in her wisdom through the liturgical seasons prepares us adequately to appreciate our gift of the Christian faith. During Lent, the Church offers us a spiritual field to examine ourselves, correct the ills, and grow in good works and holiness so as to live a meaningful Christian life. 

As we recall Jesus’ death and resurrection our faith is reinforced in the face of a global pandemic, where scores of people have died from the disease caused by the CORONAVIRUS, and many others are infected with an unprecedented and uncontrollable spread. We are aware that the spread of this virus has brought about the “lockdown“ of many nations and is having adverse effects on economies and general livelihoods. This pandemic has brought about the fear of death in many. In others also, there is fear of an uncertain future, knowing that many businesses have crumbled and social networks will be strained all in the bid to learning lessons from COVID 19. The reason why we believe that Easter will reinforce our faith is precisely what the Easter story proclaims; “that Jesus died, but that he resurrected.” 

So even though the pandemic has created a culture of death in recent times, our confession of faith assures us that life will be restored; that because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow and life will be worth living. Even though the pandemic brought about social distancing and a tendency to feel isolated and quarantined, as Marshallans who believe in unity, charity, fraternity and service, we are confident that the spread of the Coronavirus will be contained through divine intervention ensuring that medical as well as scientific antidotes to curb its spread become successful. We will surely return to our good old days of feeling the warmth of each other as we chant our popular song “MARSHALLAN KNIGHTS (LADIES) HERE WE STAND….”

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus conquered death and rose triumphantly from the grave. Death no more has power over him. Let us believe in the power of the resurrection handed down to us by means of our faith so that we too can conquer the culture of death that has pervaded society. We can do this by living the tenets of our motto; UNITY, CHARITY, FRATERNITY AND SERVICE.

Whenever we work to promote unity in our Noble Order, unity in the Church and society at large, we are in effect eradicating the culture of death. Also, whenever we reach out through charitable works to the needy and vulnerable we relive the resurrection. Again, our show of fraternity (supporting one another in good times and in bad: attending weddings and funerals ) is a sign of victory of death and ultimately when our love puts on wheels through brotherly and sisterly service, we prove that we are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song. 

When Brothers and Sisters responded without reservation in support of the appeal of our Bishops to reach out to our own countrymen and women who are putting their health at stake to bring others home with a smile borne out of restored health, we did a Godly duty.

Brothers and Sisters, this year’s Easter celebration will be very unique to us, bereft of the sobriety of solemn Mass celebration of the Triduum. However, we call on you all to listen to the voice of the Lord in the peace of our own abodes.

On behalf of the entire leadership of the Supreme Council and the Grand Court we wish you a blessed Easter! Jesus Christ is risen Alleluia! He is risen indeed Alleluia!

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Sir Kt. Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb                                  MRL Sis. Dame Dr. Agatha Akua Bonney

            Supreme Knight                                                       Grand Lady

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