His Excellency, the Nuncio…., His Grace….., His Grace…., Very Rev.
…..Cathedral Administrator, Rev. Fathers, the Religious, High Officers
and Bros & Sis of the Noble Order, Invited Guests, Bros and Sisters in
Christ, we bring your fraternal greetings from the Supreme Council and
Grand Court.

Message at the OLA Cathedral on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Tamale
Ecclesiastical Province.
We were here in this same Cathedral in March this year to launch the 50 th
Anniversary of the introduction of the Noble Order of Knights and Ladies
of Marshall in the Tamale Province. A number of activities were lined up.
We are aware that they have been successfully executed. We came again
last Thursday November 17, to join you to climax the activities marking
this landmark achievement of 50 years of existence. We and our team
from Sekondi and Kumasi are indeed pleased to have joined you in these
celebrations representing all your brothers and Sisters in the whole Noble
Order of Knights and Ladies of Marshall. The past few days have been
exciting, educative, insightful, and fulfilling. We have a lot of good
things to tell when we get back to headquarters in Sekondi and Kumasi.
So far everything has been successful through the direction and guidance
of God Almighty and we are here to give thanks and praise and glory to
Our God.

Archbishop of Tamale, Most Rev Philip Naameh during a courtesy call on him in Tamale.
At this juncture we want to thank the Chairman and members of the
Planning Committee, all the organizers, the Bishops and the clergy and
officers, brothers and sisters of the Marshallan Fraternity who assisted to
make this celebration a big success. Congratulations.
It will be recalled that you celebrated the 40 th Anniversary in 2012 with
the theme, “You are the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World”
(MATTHEW 5:13)
The theme for the 50th Anniversary Celebration, “The Knights and
Ladies of Marshall, Evangelization and Discipleship in the Tamale
Ecclesiastical Province”, is unique, appropriate and challenging.
I can see a direct link between your 40 th Anniversary theme and the 50 th
Anniversary theme. I advise that you let your light shine so well and
practicalize this by both indirect and direct evangelization and in so doing
win more souls for Christ.
His Excellency the Nuncio, My Lord Archbishop, priests and religious,
parishioners, High Officers, brothers and sisters of the Noble Order,
invited guests, we sincerely believe that 50 years of the establishment of
the Marshallan Order in the Tamale Province is worth celebrating. You
have grown from one council in September, 1972 to 60 Councils and 60
Courts, 24 Junior Councils and Junior Courts with an estimated number
of over 5,000 members on roll and still counting.

Anderson-Yebuah, at the Opening Session of the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Tamale
Ecclesiastical Province. The Tamale Ecclesiastical Province is made up of Damongo, Wa, Tamale, Yendi,
and Navrongo-Bolgatanga Dioceses.
The fruit that was sown by our forefathers has borne more fruits. Can we
continue with the process of propagation? Yes the Noble Order has
survived for 50 years in the Tamale province but what is important is can
we survive the future? This is where we have to use the experiences of
success and challenges of history to guide us in the present circumstances
to plan and direct our steps in order to achieve targets set for the future.
On that note, on behalf of the Supreme Director, the Supreme Council
and the Grand Court, and on behalf of the Grand Lady, and on my own
behalf we wish you a Happy 50 th Anniversary.
HIP! HIP!! HIP!!!!!
Long live the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall
Long live the Tamale Ecclesiastical Province
Long live Holy Mother the Catholic Church
Long live our beloved Country Ghana
Supreme Knight Grand Lady
Sir Kt. Bro. Patrick Anumel MRL Sis Elizabeth Anderson-Yebuah