Christmas letter – UNUM OMNES 2020

State of emergency – then and now!

How distant and unreal  may Mary and Joseph, the Emperor Augustus have

appeared in Rome in their everyday work as a craftsman in Nazareth. But: They

have to go out, they have to take the arduous  journey  to Bethlehem,  a  journey

a heavily pregnant woman would certainly never take  voluntarily, and then look

for accommodation in a completely strange, overcrowded city.

So far and unreal may have appeared to many of us in 2020 (you could call it an

ANNUS Horribilis like the Queen of England) the threat of a virus from far-

away China. And then: how much was our life changed within days in spring

and especially now with the second wave!? Home office, short-time work,

unemployment, looking after the children at home because the school is closed,

bitter loneliness in hospitals, nursing homes and probably also at home!

Distance, distance, distance ….   As different as the effects were and still are, for

everyone it meant giving up familiar habits, trying new paths – also in pastoral

care – keeping distance, enduring uncertainties.


Now we’re going to celebrate Christmas, not yet knowing how? We hear the

message: In the midst of such a mess JESUS was born in Bethlehem. All

security, everything familiar, all human closeness has broken away for Mary and

Joseph. AND: The birth of God’s child took place in it. This is where the

moment of greatest closeness between God and man occurs! This is the

MESSAGE of Christmas: God loves people so much that he cannot stand

distance from them. He seeks the greatest possible closeness by becoming

human himself.

We are now celebrating this festival of GOD’S PROXIMITY at a time when we

have learned to avoid closeness: Keeping your distance, hygiene and masks has

been the trend for months. Many people have sorely missed closeness, the joyful

hug, the loving handshake. Distance is the order of day, which unfortunately also

applies  to  everyday  church  life  and,  above  all,  worship  services,  including


In this situation, the Christmas message is now spoken to us. God seeks closeness

to  people.  He  will  not  let  himself  be  stopped  by  circumstances  like  then  in

Bethlehem and today in the pandemic time! This commitment is valid, and we

need it more than ever this year. God is close to us, not only at Christmas and not

only when people are close to us. What a treasure in your heart if you can live in

this consecrated faith right now.

So it is worth asking: How can I keep this message in my heart and my thoughts,

even if after the appearance of the Lord – the Three Kings – everyday life is again?

Perhaps  a  candle,  consciously  lit  in  the  Christmas  days,  can  accompany  you

through the year and remind you again and again that CHRIST, the light, is near

and  present?  As  Christians  we  proclaim  a  God  who  is  near.  Especially  when

people are in loneliness, need and sadness, we can testify to them. HE is close to

YOU, HE is your HOPE and your LIGHT! They will do that for us if we combine

this message with affection, with human closeness – even if it could only be a

letter, SMS of telephone. This demands our creativity and our love!

Christmas tells us: GOD didn’t wait for it to be over. He did not wait for Mary

and  Joseph  to  return  to  the  familiar  Nazareth.  God  became  man  where  his

closeness was most urgently needed. And we who follow this child, should act

then and there where people need us most urgently; even if it is tedious and has

to be overcome. Even if it’s far from perfect. If we act, it can still arrive, the

message of the angels: Today is to you, today the Saviour is born to YOU, it is


I sincerely wish all of us this tangible closeness, joy and hope, but also the courage

to live this message!

By Msgr. Willibald Steiner, Ecclesiastical Assistant

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