Dear Brothers and Sisters,

“Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace among those whom He favors”!

In this season of joy, let our resolution be our quest to find harmony in our hearts whilst eschewing ill will towards one another. Our Lord Jesus Christ has bestowed on us fraternity and we should strive to continue to love one another and continue in this tradition.

For this reason, our wish for this Christmas is for

Brothers and Sisters to love one another as the Father loves us. [John 15:12: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”]

Let our motto of UNITY, CHARITY, FRATERNITY AND SERVICE inspire us to show unconditional love for not only our kith and kin but towards all, for it is more rewarding to show love to the needy and to people we may perceive as enemies.

Our Father in heaven showed us love by sending his only begotten Son to redeem us by paying the ultimate price through His crucifixion. His sojourn on earth is replete with the many ways He exhibited love. e.g Matthew 14:14; John 11:35, 38; Matthew 15:32; John 3:16.

Let us use this season to learn how to open our doors to the vulnerable and the less privileged and thus avail them of the joy of Christmas and something to praise God for as thanksgiving for the abundant graces bestowed on us by our Father in Heaven.

May we respond in the affirmative to the universal call to holiness as contained in the third Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate, and live right with ourselves and with all manner of persons while exuding goodwill, love and charity. By so doing we shall bring practical meaning to the character of the church as Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.

Let us radiate Christ by making real effort to see the good in our neighbor and love them as they are.

We wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb                         MRL Sis. Dame Agatha Akua Bonney              

Supreme Knight                                                     Grand Lady

Knights of Marshall                                             Ladies of Marshall

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