GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)
1ST READING: Sirach 48:1-4,9-12
PSALM: Psalm 80:2-3,15-6,18-19
GOSPEL: Matthew 17:10-13
The First Reading eulogises the prophet Elijah and recalls the great things God accomplished through him. He appeared on the scene sometime in the 9th century B.C and carried out his ministry in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab. It was a time when the society of Israel had gone bad – idolatry, syncretism and corruption had weakened the fibre of the nation.
The prophet Elijah came to remind the Israelites of their true identity in Yahweh and their covenantal relationship with him. To do this, God gave him so much power that enabled him to perform miracles. We read concerning him, “At the appointed time, it is written, you are destined to calm the wrath of God before it breaks out in fury, to turn the hearts of parents to their children, and to restore the tribes of Jacob” (Sir 48:10). The people held the belief that Elijah would return before the Messiah comes.
In our Gospel text, in response to the question concerning the return of Elijah, Jesus said, “I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but they did to him whatever they pleased. (Mat 17:12). The text quickly adds, “Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist” (Mat 17:13). Just like Elijah, John the Baptist also had to minister to a people whose hearts had swayed from Yahweh in many ways and to prepare them for the coming of Christ.
In every generation, there comes a time when an “Elijah” must stand up and redefine history – one who would stand up against idolatry, materialism and corruption and be a conscience for a society that has lost its conscience. Destiny is on the side of these “Elijahs”. We find them in families, communities, nations etc? When they avail themselves, God uses them to cause spiritual renewal and transformation.
In this season of Advent, destiny is beckoning the “Elijahs” to rise up and let their voices be heard, and to prepare the way of the Lord by calling people to embrace virtue. In Christ, you are an “Elijah” for someone. Fulfil your destiny so that the Kingdom of God may be established firmly here on earth.
Prayer: Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit and make me an “Elijah” for my generation. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.
Andrews Obeng, svd
(Ghana Province)
“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).