Christmas Message from the Supreme Director


I deem it a great honour and privilege indeed to be allocated a Corner on the Marshallan Web Site. I am deeply grateful.

This opportunity will enable me to share a few thoughts with brothers and Sisters of the Noble Order from time to time.

Since we are in the Season of Advent it is only natural that my maiden encounter with the Marshallan Fraternity should be “A Christmas Message”

This Christmas Message will depart from the traditional or classical forms of Christmas messages.

Now my Christmas Message for 2014.


There were two events surrounding the birth of Jesus which I would like us to reflect upon. The events in question were.

  1. That Jesus was born in a situation or place which one could hardly be referred to as HOME
  2. That no sooner had Jesus been born than He and His parents had to flee to Egypt. They became refugees.

These two events certainly foreshadowed our 21 Century world situation about homelessness and the refugee situation.

One of the most important and essential needs that we all as Human Beings have is that of having a decent and adequate housing. Unfortunately a large percentage of Men, Women and Children in the world today are either homeless or are living in very degrading conditions that lack the very basic requirements for healthy living.  Building new houses, or improving on old ones, providing portable and clean water, clean and sanitary surroundings, these are the sort of down-to-earth task that the Powers that be must provide.

But is it just the task of building houses with materials such as blocks and mortar or ensuring that services such as water supply, good sanitation, local healthcare and so on are available? These no doubt are the prerequisites for a humane physical environment in which people can live their lives in dignity; and these must be within the reach of every human being born in the image and likeness of God.  Nevertheless they are only a means to an end; of themselves they do not create a home.

Yes we need a home A place where as communal beings we can build an atmosphere of love and caring, where we can be ourselves, share the intimacies of close relationships and enjoy the supportive environment in which to grow and develop as human beings. When we have secured a dwelling place no matter how humble it may be, then we have the opportunity to make it a home. For most of us, this is the first call we make on our higher spiritual potential.

Yet our dwelling is not the only place can call home. The community in which we live and work, our Cultural identity, our Nationality, all these contribute to “that sense of security and identity we call home. These areas of life can become centres of radiant goodwill and it is the responsibility of all to us to bring it about”.

It is the view of the Goodwill advocates that “ As human beings we combine the elements of Body,  Mind and Spirit. From our inner Spiritual centre we are able to look upon the world through Universal eyes. We see that he earth is the Home we all share as human species. And we see that our task is to make it a place where the elements of Body, Mind and Spirit can live, breathe and feel at home. This is the challenge we face as human beings. It requires that we work on many  levels, meeting the basic needs of all for housing, food, health care, etc and meeting the soul’s  need for a mental climate sensitive to the oneness of life, a climate which is not dominated by the self-centered desires of the personality.”

In 1987 the United Nations declared that year as the International Year of shelter for the homeless (IYSH) what has been achieved since then? Is this whole question of shelter for homeless not tied up with our battle with issue involve in implementing the declaration of Human Rights?

Let us Marshallans ponder individually and collectively on these issues and see how we in our humble way can help to build the various levels which humanity can refer to as HOME.

May the New Born Infant Jesus enlighten our minds and hearts to be sensitive to our responsibilities towards our brothers and Sisters who live in conditions which do not qualify to be called HOMES.

I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.

Sir Kt. Vet. Bro. Cdr. Dr. Edmund S. K. Kwaw

Resource material From “World Goodwill Newsletter” 1987

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