From the Supreme Knight’s desk – June 2009 “1 Corinthians 13: 1-10, 13”

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

As the Church brings to a close this June, the “Pauline Year” it is proper that I return to my reflections on the teachings of the great Saint. I take inspiration this time from his teaching on LOVE, as recorded in the 13th Chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians.

I recently came across the story of one, rather puritanical pastor of a Nigerian Church who whiles in prayer for the repose of the soul of his dead wife, had a vision of heaven and hell. According to him, he saw in this vision two roads, one leading to Heaven and other to hell. The road to hell was surprisingly filled with people whom he knew on earth as powerful, renowned and “spirit filled” Christians of all denominations. On the contrary the road to Heaven was filled with people whom he knew to be spiritual nonentities. On finding out the meaning of what he was seeing from an angel, the simple answer he got was that in spite of all what the people on the road to hell did while on earth, they lacked the basic criteria of LOVE for entry into Heaven.

Two days later in Church on a Sunday, (the Sixth Sunday of Easter) the Gospel was taken from John15:9-17. In this gospel, Jesus assured His disciples that He had loved them in the same measure as His Father had loved Him and urged them to remain in His love. With the message of love coming to me so profoundly within two days, I decided to find out more about what this love is that is keeping some powerful Christians from Heaven. I turned to St Paul for answers and what he gave me is what is recorded in the 13th Chapter of his First letter to the Corinthians, which I am happy to share with you this last month of the Pauline year.

St Paul, like the angel at the gate of Heaven in the pastor’s vision, is telling us that we can even speak angelic language, prophecy to penetrate all mysteries an knowledge, have the faith to move mountains, heal people of their sicknesses, pray for singles to find partners, obtain visas for overseas travel, attend Mass every morning and receive holy communion, give to the poor and needy all our possession and even give up our bodies to be burnt. If we did all these and had no love, St Paul says, it will do us no good whatever. He goes on in that scripture, particularly in verses 4-7, to describe the characteristics of love. Could GKs and NLs get their Bibles and read the passage to members so some examination of conscience can take place? And how do we feel?

The examination of conscience may have been helpful, but don’t we get this opportunity at the beginning of every meeting when the DGK or DNL pronounces the warning? Does the Church not provide us with opportunities at least once a year during lent to check on our “love levels? Is it possible that we are wasting our time and energies doing many of the so called good we do because love is not the bases? So how many more opportunities are we going to let fall by the wayside? Many seeds are being sown through the Noble Order and the Church. Are we making ourselves rocky ground or fertile soil? Let us stop fleeing the call of God to genuinely love one another and in case we still have problems understanding what love is let us turn again to St Paul’s letter and read it over and over again. Our Noble Order has such potential but only if we loved just a little bit more. May the love of God penetrate our hearts and may we not fail to share with others.

Yours fraternally,

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